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Training Catalog

International course of the Masters Degree “Water Sciences »

International course of the Masters Degree “Water Sciences »

IMT Mines Alès

Level VII

The WISE International Masters course (Water sciences and management in a

Changing World) is aimed at foreign students, particularly targeting countries in the South, to train technical executives in water resource management. Resulting from the collaboration between IMT Mines Alès, the University of Montpellier (Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy) Agroparistech and Supagro, this training will provide from 2021 for the first year and 2022 for the second year of English lessons focused around integrated water management issues.

In the areas of hydroclimatic risks, deep water, drinking water and sanitation, irrigation and wetland ecosystems, this course will also provide students with all the organizational, technical and linguistic tools to develop in-depth skills, facilitating their integration into the job market. Supported by a desire for mutualisation between the training provided by the various actors, the pedagogy implemented will be innovative, focused on learning by experience with a large volume of land and projects, supplemented by internships in companies or in laboratory.

Access conditions : BA

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Master Geography (M1, M2) – M2 Geographies, Man-environment areas, resources (GEOSPHERES)

Master Geography (M1, M2) – M2 Geographies, Man-environment areas, resources (GEOSPHERES)

Savoie Mont Blanc University

Level VII

Training focused on the place of research in the definition of environmental, sociocultural and territorial responses adapted to the context of current global change (climatic, economic, uses, etc.). It is part of a global approach to the current problems of knowledge of geosystems (mountain, karst, rural …) of integrated management and reasoned development. Anchored in the interdisciplinary synergies between environmental and territorial research/engineering, the course offers around thirty modules on current research concepts and on tools for acquiring and processing spatial data.

Duration : 1 year including an internship of 4 to 6 months in the EDYTEM laboratory

Access conditions : Master 1 in geography, environmental sciences, geosciences, human and social sciences, engineers in 3rd year of Ecole des Mines, continuing education (after validation of prior learning).

Access terms : BA, APEL, APEPL

Conditions d'accès : Licence, VAE, VAPP

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Licence Professionnelle « Guide conférencier »

Licence Professionnelle « Guide conférencier »

Grenoble Alps University (CERMOSEM)

Level VI 900h

Training aimed at professionalizing those involved in guiding in touristic, cultural and heritage sites by acquiring tools and methods of mediation, as well as those involved in interpretation and museography. It gives access to the professional licence, necessary to guide in the museums of France, the national monuments and the Cities and Countries of Art and History.

Conditions d'accès : BTS (Advanced Technician’s certificate, BA, TUD, APEL, APEPL)

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Engineer Diploma « EER, Environment, Energy and Risks »

Engineer Diploma « EER, Environment, Energy and Risks »

IMT Mines Alès

Level VI 1022h

The Environment, Energy & Risks department aims to train engineers capable of ensuring the development and quality of life of future generations while protecting our planet. It is divided into two options, Energy and Environment, and Natural and Industrial Risks.

The «Energy and Environment» option is dedicated to two major issues of society : the control of energy and the preservation of the environment. Students from this course will be able to imagine and propose intelligent, efficient and sustainable solutions to meet the expectations of reducing environmental impact and energy performance. Along with strong technical skills, they will demonstrate real leadership, communication and convincing skills. They can integrate large groups, Smes/Smis, engineering offices, communities as a Research Manager, Business Manager, Site Manager or Environment Manager. They are addressed to become, eventually, managers.

The engineer specializing in major risks relies on solid generalist training. This expert has a very good knowledge of major risks, of the modeling of their consequences, of their impacts on the territory and of the means of prevention and crisis management. He can evolve as well as a manager in the QHSE (Quality, Hygiene, Safety, Environment) direction of an industrial company or in a design and engineering office in risks (technological and natural risks) as in administration or the local collectives.

Access conditions : Preparation course, DUT, License, Master 1, APEL classes

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Inter-university Diploma (under development) Management and valorization of underground environments and natural cavities
Inter-university Diploma (under development) Management and valorization of underground environments and natural cavities
Inter-university Diploma (under development) Management and valorization of underground environments and natural cavities

Inter-university Diploma (under development) Management and valorization of underground environments and natural cavities

Savoie Mont Blanc University


Place : Ardèche

Duration: 140 hrs (common core + 1 specialty),
210h (core course + 2 specialties)
Core : 2 blocks of skills of 5 days each

Specialties : 2 skill blocks of 5 days each per specialty

Frequency : Annual. Launch of the training in 2021. Possibility of doing it over 2 years (especially with the aim of following the 2 specialties)

Objectives : complete your knowledge of underground environments and learn how to use them to improve conservation, management practices and methods of developing underground environments and heritage.

Core curriculum : appropriating knowledge of underground environments and their links with the outside (environment, uses, development), becoming familiar with the issues of heritage value assessment, management and development, mediation of underground environments and karst landscapes.

Specialties :

  • « Tourism, mediation and interpretation of underground and karst landscapes ».
  • « Conservation and management of underground environments and heritage ».

Targeted audience :
Agents of structures managing protected natural areas or touristic caves, supervisors and sports monitors, consultants and design offices dealing with underground environments.

Terms of Access :
Bac + 2 or equivalent and / or experience in the field of caves and underground environments – APEPL possible for candidates holding the bac (ALevel).

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Scientific and Environment Training

Scientific and Environment Training

Speleology French Federation

Documentation, gestion des milieux 18h

These courses are modules which aim to complete the technical training of the speleologist. Many scientific themes, documentation techniques can be proposed among which we can find : Photography/ Karstology/ Hydrogeology/ Biospeleology/ Topography/ Underground markup/ Archeology.

These modules are open to all curious speleologists and do not require any particular physical or technical commitment.

Location : Bourgogne-Franche-Comté/ Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes/ Provence-AlpesCôte-D’azur/ Occitanie/ Nouvelle Aquitaine

Access conditions : FSF Member

Conditions d'accès : FFS Member

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Professional BA Degree “Protection and enhancement of the historical and cultural heritage specialty Designer of Heritage Touristic Products »

Professional BA Degree “Protection and enhancement of the historical and cultural heritage specialty Designer of Heritage Touristic Products »

Grenoble Alps University (CERMOSEM)

Level VI 900h

Training to learn to inventory the heritage, natural and cultural capital of a territory in order to define touristic products adapted to the requirements of the territory, the economy and customers. Thus, it allows holders to collaborate in the creation, evaluation, development and promotion of complete touristic packages.

Conditions d'accès : BTS (Advanced Technician’s certificate, BA, TUD, APEL, APEPL)

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Master 2EM – Mining Exploitation and Environment

Master 2EM – Mining Exploitation and Environment

IMT Mines Alès

Level VII 778h

The specialized Masters in Mining Exploitation and Environment for professional purposes aims to meet the growing demand for executives specialized in mining mainly in French-speaking countries producing raw materials. The ambition is to respond more specifically to the phases of the mining process “Mining Studies, Mining Projects and Extraction“. The proposed program highlights, in a very pragmatic way, the environmental, societal and economic challenges of a farm, from the discovery of a deposit, to the abandonment of the site.

Access conditions : a title of engineer (generalist or specialized) or a technical or scientific Master 2 or a technical or scientific Master 1 coupled with 3 years of professional experience in the field of Extractive Industry

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