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Training offer

BA « Jobs dedicated to the protection and the management of the environment specialty Manager of natural areas and Leisures »

BA « Jobs dedicated to the protection and the management of the environment specialty Manager of natural areas and Leisures »

Grenoble Alps University (CERMOSEM)

Level VI 900h

At the end of this training, you will be able to implement development, maintenance, protection, enhancement and promotion projects for natural areas. You will be able to mediate and lead a policy for the management, planning and development of recreational areas while mastering the understanding of territorial issues by acquiring the methods and tools of territorial engineering (diagnostic of territory, project management, strategic support, GIS, cartography, survey).

Conditions d'accès : BTS (Advanced Technician’s certificate, BA, TUD, APEL, APEPL)

En savoir plus

Master Geography (M1, M2) – M2 – Tourism, mountains, territories (TMT)

Master Geography (M1, M2) – M2 – Tourism, mountains, territories (TMT)

Savoie Mont Blanc University

Level VII

The master offers tools for reflection and analysis on the methods of tourism in mountain areas and remarkable natural areas. Through questions relating to the environment, spatial planning and the tourism space, the master mobilizes innovative research while offering applied dimensions.

Access conditions : The M2 is open to candidates who have validated a 1st year of a national diploma conferring the master’s degree or a 1st year of a second cycle diploma approved by the State if it corresponds to the level of required studies as well as to candidates who benefit from a validation of acquired knowledge.

Conditions d'accès : Licence, VAE, VAPP

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