International course of the Masters Degree “Water Sciences »

The WISE International Masters course (Water sciences and management in a

Changing World) is aimed at foreign students, particularly targeting countries in the South, to train technical executives in water resource management. Resulting from the collaboration between IMT Mines Alès, the University of Montpellier (Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy) Agroparistech and Supagro, this training will provide from 2021 for the first year and 2022 for the second year of English lessons focused around integrated water management issues.

In the areas of hydroclimatic risks, deep water, drinking water and sanitation, irrigation and wetland ecosystems, this course will also provide students with all the organizational, technical and linguistic tools to develop in-depth skills, facilitating their integration into the job market. Supported by a desire for mutualisation between the training provided by the various actors, the pedagogy implemented will be innovative, focused on learning by experience with a large volume of land and projects, supplemented by internships in companies or in laboratory.

Access conditions : BA